Music Marquee
Our Music Tent will once again by curated by the wonderful Fanny Hatstand this year.
And she’s brought together a line up of extraordinary quality especially for us!
Below is the line up for 2024

11am–12.30pm Open mic
12.45–1.45pm Adam Beattie and Fiona Bevan
2–3.30pm Green Scythe Fair Parley:
Land Ownership or the Commons?
4–5.30pm Trudgeons Trad Jazz Troubadors
6–7pm Prize Giving
7.15–8.15pm Safrela: Brazilian Singing Workshop ‘Songs from Brazil’
8.30–9.30pm Kai Carter's Old Time Hustle
10pm–11pm King Salami and The Cumberland Three
11am–12.30pm Open mic
12.45–1.45pm Adam Beattie and Fina Bevan
2–3.30pm Green Scythe Fair Parley:
Land Ownership or the Commons?
4–5.30pm Trudgeons Trad Jazz Troubadors
6–7pm Prize Giving
7.15–8.15pm Safrela : Brazilian Singing Workshop ‘Songs from Brazil’
"Safrela are an all- female collective sharing their love of Afro- Brazilian/ Cuban percussion and vocals. Drawing from their combined experience, Safrela perform a mix of traditional and original material, including musical styles such as Maracatu, Coco and Afoxe.
Join us for an up lifting Brazilian call and response song workshop! Explore the melody, harmony and simple rhythms.
8.30–9.30pm Kai Carter's Old Time Hustle
10pm–11pm King Salami and The Cumberland Three
See also 'Wild Sessions'
In the big Burgundy and Sand Yurt
in the Green Craft Area
click here for more info